From DFW

I’m sitting in the Dallas airport waiting for my flight to Los Angeles. It doesn’t leave for an hour and a half so I have some time to kill. It’s too bad that I can’t eat while I’m traveling because it looks like DFW has some good food options! At least I was able to get my iPhone and laptop connected to some free wifi this time. It certainly makes the time between flights go by faster. Today was my last day in Tallahassee so of course we spent the morning and afternoon doing all of the things we had put off during the first five days of my trip. We picked up some jeans I was having hemmed, my mom bought me some makeup at Dillard’s, I looked for some new Gator apparel at Marshalls, and my dad helped me pick out a television at Best Buy (which I purchased with some Christmas money). I didn’t buy the TV in Tallahassee, obviously, but I ordered it online and I’ll pick it up at a local store tomorrow morning when I’m back in LA. It’s a 32″ Samsung LED that’s going to be great with the Blu-ray player I bought on Black Friday (which I ordered while I was in San Francisco visiting my brother and picked up the Sunday after Thanksgiving when I got back to LA). I have four days before I have to go back to work on January 2nd and I might spend a majority of that time enjoying my new TV! It’s going to be especially nice to watch the Sugar Bowl (Florida vs. Louisville) on the 2nd. It might be a one-sided game (if the Gators don’t win I’ll be surprised, but I’m still only cautiously optimistic), but it’ll be pretty much the last college football game I’ll watch until next fall so there’s no way I’m going to miss it. My trip to Tallahassee was lots of fun. I’ll have to write more about it before I go back to work on Wednesday. We did a lot of cooking (including my famous lasagna for Christmas Day lunch), a lot of shopping, and a lot of visiting with family and friends. It was nice. I can’t believe there are only three days of 2012 left. I’m definitely not going to be sorry to see this year end, but I’m in a better place right now that I was a couple of months ago so I’m not quite ready to close the door on 2012. I’m going to try to spend these next three days wrapping up some loose ends and accomplishing a few things so I can start 2013 with a clean(er) slate. Unfortunately I caught a cold a couple of days ago so I’m not feeling 100%. Luckily I have some time to rest before going back to work on Wednesday. I’m getting in to Los Angeles very late tonight so I expect I’ll only have enough energy to crawl into bed when I get home. At least I got a chance to update my webpage while sitting here at DFW! I have a lot of stuff I want to write about before the end of the year so I will probably get started on that while I’m en route to LAX. These next four days are going to go by fast and I’ll have to go back to work before I know it. I’m going to try and enjoy every minute.

2 thoughts on “From DFW

  1. I really hope my son didn’t get you sick. I mean, I doubt it, but it wouldn’t surprise me. By my count he’s gotten at least 4-5 people with some sort of cold this past week. Thank you for the birthday wishes, and have a safe trip back.

  2. Jon, I can’t imagine Colin made me sick in the five minutes I saw you guys. And he’s so cute that even if he did I’d forgive him! :)

    But seriously, it’s just a head cold – no big deal.

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