Should I have checked the weather radar before I left my hotel to go jogging this morning? Yes. But was I going to waste a morning where I got up early for a change and put on sunscreen and workout clothes by staying inside? No way! I’d been enough of a lazy bum on this business trip so far so I was willing to risk getting rained on to get some exercise. And I did indeed get rained on. I looked like a drowned rat (and my hair looked like the nest of said rat) when I was done, but it was totally worth it. Wringing out my socks in the sink after I got back was a new experience! I really enjoyed my 7 mile walk/jog on the Washington & Old Dominion Trail before work this morning. It has mile and half-mile markers so I knew exactly when to start and stop my jogging intervals. It made me wish I had gotten outside more often since I got here on Saturday. The extenuating cirumstances on Sunday and Monday mornings were jet lag and exhaustion, respectively, but those weren’t really good enough excuses. Hopefully I’ll be able to drag myself out of bed to go jogging again in the morning – ran or shine! Fingers crossed that my sneakers will be dry again in the morning!