iPad adventures

“Two years ago I would have been stuck in the airport waiting for a flight with no way to access the internet. Now I can just pick up my iPhone. Amazing. That’s one of the reasons I think I’ll get broadband internet service when I get an iPad. As much as I love my little laptop, I can see how wonderful an iPad would be when traveling. Not only would it be perfect for watching movies, but it would also be an e-reader (to replace my beloved Kindle, but let’s not think about that), and I could write these crazy stream-of-consciousness posts on it too.”
11/6/2011 webpage post

Since the iPad 3 was announced last month I’ve been debating whether or not to pull the trigger and actually purchase one. For the last year I’ve been saying that I would definitely buy one when the new model was introduced, but forking over that kind of money is easier said than done. It took a little convincing, but last week I finally decided I was going to the Apple Store this weekend and bring an iPad home with me. If only it was that easy. Dan and I drove to the Manhattan Village Mall, the location of our nearest Apple Store. Just before we walked in the doors I realized that I didn’t know where my credit card was. After a cursory search of my wallet and the main compartment of my purse I was absolutely convinced that I’d left it at home. There went my chance to get an iPad of my very own that day. Dan and I still went into the Apple Store and admired the iPads, but we left without one. Oh well. We had lunch at Island’s, got Dan’s car washed, and drove home. I was so disappointed that while I was washing some dishes after we got home, I decided to grab my credit card (which turned out to have been in the small compartment of my purse the whole time – geez) and drive back to the mall to get my iPad. So that’s what I did. Despite last year’s assertions that I was going to get the broadband internet-enabled version, I opted for the WiFi only version instead to save myself the monthly fee (I’ll be using is it almost 100% of the time in our home WiFi network anyway). And I got the 32G version so that Dan and I will have plenty of space for movies, photos, and apps when we go on trips (whenever that is). While I’m still more comfortable with my laptop right now, I think eventually I will be writing these daily webpage updates on the iPad because it’s so much more convenient to use. (Since I know you’re wondering, yes, this post about my iPad was written on my laptop. Give me a break, I’m not very proficient on the iPad keyboard yet!) So that’s the story of how I finally got my iPad. It’s kind of silly, but it’s a continuing story so I’m sure I’ll have more to write about it soon!

We Built This City

I hand wrote this post in my notebook at work this morning. Yes, I had to work today, but it really wasn’t that bad. The best part is that I don’t have to go to work on Monday! But anyway, here’s what I was thinking about this morning.

It’s 8:30 AM on a Saturday and already I’ve had kind of a weird day. I spent all of yesterday trying to convince myself to get up early today and go to the gym before I had to report to work at 9 AM. Needless to say, that didn’t happen. Dan and I got home from Arthur Murray close to 11 PM last night and then I wanted to watch some of the Laker game we recorded before going to sleep. On top of that, I made the mistake of picking up a good book to read when I got into bed which means I didn’t fall asleep until about 12:30 AM. I might still have been able to get up at 6 AM to go to the gym, but I decided to sleep for another hour instead. My fitness may be suffering, but getting enough sleep each night keeps me from feeling like a zombie during the day. Definitely beneficial. So I got up at 7 AM this morning and got ready for work. Unfortunately in my haste to leave the house I left my cell phone sitting on the arm of the couch which threw my whole day out of whack. I haven’t even owned my iPhone for that long in the grand scheme of things (a little less than two years), but at this point I feel weird without it. I’m so used to having it nearby with it’s constant connectivity and apps galore. Case in point, I heard Jefferson Starship’s “We Built This City” on the radio as I was driving to work this morning. I love that song. I was singing and dancing (as much as I could in the car) the whole time it was on. It was definitely the bright spot of going to work on a Saturday morning and I wanted to share my enjoyment. When I pulled into the Boeing parking lot I decided to write a Tweet about my experience so I reached into my car’s cup holder for my iPhone…but it wasn’t there. I felt really stupid for forgetting that it was still at home and doubly stupid for forgetting it in the first place! I guess the world is just going to have to wait until I update my webpage before they can read about how much I love “We Built This City.” And how am I going to let Dan know when I’ll be home tonight? I’ll try calling him from one of the landlines at work, but he often doesn’t hear his phone ring when he’s at home. I could log in to my AT&T account and send him a text message that way, but then he can’t reply. I guess I’ll just have to arrive home with no prior notification. The horror! It’s amazing how smart phones have changed our daily lives.