“Two years ago I would have been stuck in the airport waiting for a flight with no way to access the internet. Now I can just pick up my iPhone. Amazing. That’s one of the reasons I think I’ll get broadband internet service when I get an iPad. As much as I love my little laptop, I can see how wonderful an iPad would be when traveling. Not only would it be perfect for watching movies, but it would also be an e-reader (to replace my beloved Kindle, but let’s not think about that), and I could write these crazy stream-of-consciousness posts on it too.”
11/6/2011 webpage post
Since the iPad 3 was announced last month I’ve been debating whether or not to pull the trigger and actually purchase one. For the last year I’ve been saying that I would definitely buy one when the new model was introduced, but forking over that kind of money is easier said than done. It took a little convincing, but last week I finally decided I was going to the Apple Store this weekend and bring an iPad home with me. If only it was that easy. Dan and I drove to the Manhattan Village Mall, the location of our nearest Apple Store. Just before we walked in the doors I realized that I didn’t know where my credit card was. After a cursory search of my wallet and the main compartment of my purse I was absolutely convinced that I’d left it at home. There went my chance to get an iPad of my very own that day. Dan and I still went into the Apple Store and admired the iPads, but we left without one. Oh well. We had lunch at Island’s, got Dan’s car washed, and drove home. I was so disappointed that while I was washing some dishes after we got home, I decided to grab my credit card (which turned out to have been in the small compartment of my purse the whole time – geez) and drive back to the mall to get my iPad. So that’s what I did. Despite last year’s assertions that I was going to get the broadband internet-enabled version, I opted for the WiFi only version instead to save myself the monthly fee (I’ll be using is it almost 100% of the time in our home WiFi network anyway). And I got the 32G version so that Dan and I will have plenty of space for movies, photos, and apps when we go on trips (whenever that is). While I’m still more comfortable with my laptop right now, I think eventually I will be writing these daily webpage updates on the iPad because it’s so much more convenient to use. (Since I know you’re wondering, yes, this post about my iPad was written on my laptop. Give me a break, I’m not very proficient on the iPad keyboard yet!) So that’s the story of how I finally got my iPad. It’s kind of silly, but it’s a continuing story so I’m sure I’ll have more to write about it soon!